It's basically Darwinism for ideas.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

30 days of biking - day 2

So is it really day 2 when I forgot and missed day 1?

Maybe I can tack on an extra day at the end, like taking a deferral on a student loan.

Did you know that a study showed a return of 42 cents of benefit to society per mile from walking and biking?

It also showed a 20 cents loss per mile for driving.

That sounds like a walking and biking tax to me, subsidizing driving on the feet and wheels of pedestrians.  (Hmmm, not literally. Well, actually sometimes yes literally!

End the wealth redistribution!
Lets charge a 20 cent per mile fee for when we drive and offset that fee with a 42 cent per mile credit for wabiking ( wabiking is a new word for walking and biking.

Balking was already taken and has the wrong connotation.

So here's where I rode....

To BicycleSpace where I ordered a luggage rack for my Brompton.

Actually I didn't have to order it as they had it in stock...I just didn't want to leave my bike yesterday for the install.

Then again last time they gave me a loaner Brompton.

I wish I had remembered that while I was there.

Such a great store!

That hand-built bike rack is the ultimate in artisanal bike storage.

Can't wait to build my own!

 I should mention my total fail at citizen-journalism.

Heading south on 7th (after leaving BicycleSpace) waiting at the red light (like a good boy!).

The trash can on the corner of New York Ave. was smoking quite abundantly, and a DC firetruck pulled up and parked cross-wise across the intersection, basically blocking all traffic. (Also clearly protecting the firefighters from traffic-related hazards while they concentrated on more important things, like you know, FIRE!)

The guy in the SUV next to me and I shared a "What are you gonna do?" laugh. (Is it possible that building a respectful relationship between drivers and bikers requires nothing more than mutually shared third party induced inconvenience?!?)

We should pay people to roam the city mutually inconveniencing all road users, causing us to join together to fight our common enemy!

I wonder if we paid firetrucks to do this if it would help with budget shortfalls?

The Firefighters pulled a hose from truck to trash bin, extinguished the fire, and retreated in good order to complete the paperwork on the whole process.

It was pleasure to see professionals in action, they did a great job.

My total fail was that it never crossed my mind to take a picture!

and it was so iconic! Rats.

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